Thursday, 28 June 2012

Issue 8

First Minister Alex Salmond on the SNP’s landslide election win.

Kirk James Torrance new media strategist was lured all the way from downtown Los Angeles to work at SNP Headquarters. Kirk explained in issue 7 why new media can deliver a successful election campaign.

Adam Ingram MSP was interviewed for issue 7 when he was the Minister for Children and Early Years.
Iain Calderwood Thomson an ardent activist was interviewed in issue 7, Iain was part of the anti-nuclear campaign at Faslane, Dounreay and was the trustee of the Eilean Mor MacCormick Trust, the body tasked with the upkeep of the island gifted to the SNP in John McCormick’s estate.

David Linden’s article was on the 2011 YSI Annual National Conference.

Around the Branches featured Jean Urquhart of Wick Branch, Jean and her daughter run The Ceilidh Place in Ullapool

The usual suspects appeared in this issue of the magazine.

Issue 7

Dougie MacLean talked to Rona Mackay about his wonderful song Caledonia, and his love of Scotland.

Issues 4, 5 and 6

In issue 6 Rona Mackay had a look at anti-SNP media coverage

The Scottish Political Archive was highlighted by Dr Peter Lynch and Sarah Bromage.

With articles from Andy Doig, George Anderson and Councillor Grant Thoms.

Chris McLean’s contribution to the magazine was an article on the success of Estonia as an independent country.

Issue 6

This was the first magazine of 2011. Peter Murrell, Chief Executive had some surprises in store for the unionists and First Minister Alex Salmond was asking the people of Scotland to make their choice in the coming Scottish General Election.

Jim Henderson was fundraising for the campaign ahead.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

St Andrews Dinner top table line up – The Editor Jack Paterson, Chief Executive Peter Murrell, Deputy FM Nicola Sturgeon, our host Iain Anderson and his wife Marion, chatting to ex-Scotland manager Craig Brown.

Winnie Ewing at the Independence Magazine St Andrews Dinner.

Kenneth Gibson MSP, winner of our ‘Hats and Saltires’ ice-breaker game received his prize from Nicola Sturgeon.
Friday 26 November 2010 was the first Independence Magazine National St Andrews Dinner.
First Minister Alex Salmond could not attend the dinner due to adverse weather conditions - lots of snow in the North - Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was on hand to save the evening.

The 300 guests enjoyed entertainment from traditional band Cruachan and guest speaker Craig Brown and raised funds for the party.

Bill Campbell interviewed Shona Robison MSP for Dundee East and Minister for Public Health and Sport in Issue 5.