Monday, 27 August 2012

Jim Henderson, National Fundraiser Issue 14:

Having just entered our third year of production I am happy to say that the subscription numbers for Independence magazine continue to grow. Importantly, as the cost base is stable, this means that the full value of every new subscription flows as pure profit into the Party’s coffers – and that is money that will be vitally important in the two plus years until the referendum in 2014.

The magazine has become a major source of income for the Party and taps into two areas where we have had little success in raising funds in the past – advertising and functions. Those subscribers who have been with us from the start can’t help but notice the growth in the range and size of organisations that are now willing to be associated to the Scottish National Party through the magazine.

The story is the same with the magazine’s annual St Andrew’s Dinner. The Party centrally has over the years run very few such functions, and where it has these have been more commemorative rather than fundraising. I am sure that those who attended the first dinner in 2010 thought it a great success, but it was well beaten by last year’s event where we had an additional 100 people attending, including a number of organisations outwith the Party - and it’s always great to take money from non Party members.

To date Independence Magazine has contributed over £35,000 to Party funds and I am sure that this figure will increase dramatically over the next two years as we increase our subscription numbers without the large initial advertising cost we incurred to get the venture off the ground.

This will be money to be used in the Referendum Campaign, so remember, if you can persuade someone else to subscribe, their £60 annual subscription will all go to return a YES vote in 2014.

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